The area within the Ċirkewwa Marine Park is bordered predominantly by a rocky coast, with a relatively small beach. The marine park incorporates rich marine biodiversity, due to the extensive reefs and habitats found within the site.

The site of interest has been included in the Maltese marine IBA inventory following the EU LIFE+ Seabird Project in Malta (LIFE10NAT/MT/090). The cliff area of Ċirkewwa, serves as a breeding site for two species of seabirds namely Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli’s shearwater) and Puffinus yelkouan (Yelkouan shearwater). However, these species are not the sole contributors to the site’s biologcal value and LIFEBAĦAR notes how various species and habitats of importance are present at the site. These include the Annex I habitats 1170 and 3880, reefs and submerged or partially submerged caves, respectively and Annex II protected species, Caretta caretta and Tursiops truncatus (MT0000112 Żona fil-Baħar madwar Għawdex – LifeBaħar, 2020).
Posidonia oceanica the emblematic Mediterranean endemic, has been at the frontline of conservation, with the establishment of 5 Special Areas of Conservation around the Maltese islands specifically for the protection of this Annex I species (Habitats Directive). However, these 5 SACs do not include the specific site of interest. This site of interest has been overlooked despite its obvious biological value. Posidonia oceanica have been described as an important ecological biotope due to the high biological diversity of associated macrofauna (Borg & Schembri, 1998). Species commonly associated with Posidonia oceanica include populations of sea urchins as well populations of sea cucumbers, such as Holothuria polii, fish aggreagates such as Chromis chromis and Diplodus vulgaris (Rosier, 2019). Posidonia oceanica is also an important carbon sink, having been estimated to sequestrate approximately 8.6 tonnes of Carbon per annum (Russi, Pantzar, Kettunen, Gitti, Mutafoglu et al., 2014).
Designating Ċirkewwa a Marine Park provides a complete link between the designated special Protection Areas and Special areas of Conservation on the periphery of the focal point for this project.